Messy House Series Pt.3

September 23, 2010 § 13 Comments

A few more drawings for my Messy House Series. This time I have drawn a floor plan and the view from my window, which was suggested in a few comments. I was going to separate the drawings up, however the internet will be cancelled tomorrow so I will put all my latest drawings in this post.

I first attempted to draw the table from the head of the table; however I found it really difficult to draw the chairs under the table. It was so difficult to get the perspective right, so I compromised and drew it side on instead.

The mat is really like a lava lamp.

As you can see I have a pharmacy right next to my apartment. Over the road there is more shops and job centres. Above them are more flats and an office block. Not the pretty area in Chartres but at least we have some trees and flowers to look at, and usually loads of dogs going for their walks. Oh and the balcony is not ours it is downstairs we do not have any.  :(

The flat looks bigger in this drawing than it actually is.

Finally started packing, made a nice pile of flatpacks in the corner where the table was.

I would like to draw the outside of the building, hopefully I will have time to pop out before Sunday.

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